Namespace MonoGame.Aseprite
- AnimatedSprite
Defines an animated sprite with methods to control the playing of the sprite animation.
- AnimatedTilemap
Defines a AnimatedTilemap consisting of AnimatedTilemapFrame elements
- AnimatedTilemapFrame
Defines a frame of animation in an AnimatedTilemap, containing zero or more TilemapLayer elements.
- AnimationFrame
Defines the source TextureRegion and duration of a single frame of animation in an AnimationTag.
- AnimationTag
Defines the definition of an animation.
- AnimationTagBuilder
Defines a builder building an AnimationTag for a SpriteSheet.
- AsepriteFileExtensions
Extension methods for working with an Aseprite File loaded by the AsepriteDotNet library.
- NinePatchSlice
Defines a Slice with center bounds.
- Slice
Defines a named slice for a TextureRegion with a bounds, origin, and color.
- Sprite
Defines a named sprite
- SpriteBatchExtensions
Defines extension methods for the Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch to render graphical resource types in this library.
- SpriteSheet
Defines a spritesheet with a source TextureAtlas and methods for creating Sprite and AnimatedSprite elements.
- TextureAtlas
Defines a TextureAtlas with a source image and zero or more TextureRegion elements.
- TextureRegion
Defines a named rectangular region that represents the location and extents of a region within a source texture.
- Tilemap
Defines a Tilemap with zero or more TilemapLayer elements.
- TilemapLayer
Defines a grid-like layer in a tilemap that contains a collection of tiles.
- Tileset
Defines a Tileset with a source image and named TextureRegion elements that represent the tiles.
- Tile
Defines a tile value in a TilemapLayer.