Class SpriteSheet
Defines a spritesheet with a source TextureAtlas and methods for creating Sprite and AnimatedSprite elements.
public sealed class SpriteSheet
- Inheritance
- Inherited Members
- SpriteSheet(string, TextureAtlas)
Initializes a new instance of the SpriteSheet class.
- AnimationTagCount
Gets the total number of AnimationTag elements that have been defined for this SpriteSheet.
- Name
Gets the name assigned to this SpriteSheet.
- TextureAtlas
Gets the source TextureAtlas of this SpriteSheet.
- ContainsAnimationTag(string)
Returns a value that indicates whether this SpriteSheet contains an AnimationTag with the specified name.
- CreateAnimatedSprite(string)
Creates a new AnimatedSprite using the AnimationTag element with the specified name in this SpriteSheet.
- CreateAnimationTag(string, Action<AnimationTagBuilder>)
Creates a new AnimationTag and adds it to this SpriteSheet.
- CreateSprite(int)
Creates a new Sprite from the TextureRegion at the specified index in the TextureAtlas of this SpriteSheet.
- CreateSprite(string)
Creates a new Sprite from the TextureRegion at the specified index in the TextureAtlas of this SpriteSheet.
- CreateSprite(string, int)
Creates a new Sprite from the TextureRegion at the specified index in the TextureAtlas of this SpriteSheet.
- CreateSprite(string, string)
Creates a new Sprite from the TextureRegion at the specified index in the TextureAtlas of this SpriteSheet.
- GetAnimationTag(string)
Gets the AnimationTag element with the specified name in this SpriteSheet.
- GetAnimationTagNames()
Returns a new List<T> containing the name of all AnimationTag elements that have been defined in this SpriteSheet.
- RemoveAnimationTag(string)
Removes the AnimationTag element with the specified name from this SpriteSheet.
- TryGetAnimationTag(string, out AnimationTag?)
Gets the AnimationTag element with the specified name in this SpriteSheet.