Class AnimatedTilemapFrame
Defines a frame of animation in an AnimatedTilemap, containing zero or more TilemapLayer elements.
public sealed class AnimatedTilemapFrame : IEnumerable<TilemapLayer>, IEnumerable
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Inherited Members
- AnimatedTilemapFrame(TimeSpan)
Initializes a new instance of the AnimatedTilemapFrame class.
- Duration
Gets the duration of this AnimatedTilemapFrame.
- this[int]
Gets the TilemapLayer element at the specified index in this AnimatedTilemapFrame.
- this[string]
Gets the TilemapLayer element with the specified name in this AnimatedTilemapFrame.
- LayerCount
Gets the total number of TilemapLayer elements in this AnimatedTilemapFrame.
- AddLayer(TilemapLayer)
Adds the given TilemapLayer element to this AnimatedTilemapFrame.
- Clear()
Removes all TilemapLayer elements from this AnimatedTilemapFrame.
- CreateLayer(string, Tileset, int, int, Vector2)
Creates a new TilemapLayer element and adds it to this AnimatedTilemapFrame.
- GetEnumerator()
Returns an enumerator used to iterate through all of the TilemapLayer elements in this AnimatedTilemapFrame. The order of elements in the enumeration is from bottom layer to top layer.
- GetLayer(int)
Gets the TilemapLayer element at the specified index in this AnimatedTilemapFrame.
- GetLayer(string)
Gets the TilemapLayer element with the specified name in this AnimatedTilemapFrame.
- RemoveLayer(TilemapLayer)
Removes the given TilemapLayer element from this AnimatedTilemapFrame.
- RemoveLayer(int)
Removes the TilemapLayer element at the specified index in this AnimatedTilemapFrame.
- RemoveLayer(string)
Removes the TilemapLayer element with the specified name from this AnimatedTilemapFrame.
- TryGetLayer(int, out TilemapLayer?)
Get the TilemapLayer element at the specified index in this AnimatedTilemapFrame.
- TryGetLayer(string, out TilemapLayer?)
Gets the TilemapLayer element with the specified name in this AnimatedTilemapFrame.